Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh no he didn't...

I don't like smart-mouth children.  Dislike it even more when it's MY smart-mouth child.  And lately, this seems to be the case. 

How in the world can a four year old be so sarcastic and mouthy?  I mean, where does he get this from? 

*Slight pause* 

Okay, nevermind.  I know where he gets it from. *eye roll* 

But I didn't think I'd have to deal with it until he was a teenager.  So the specialty of the week with Lil T (aka Smartmouth T) is his, "Why do you keep asking me if you don't listen to what I say" shpiel.  Let me give you an example.

Me:  "T, do you want your gloves?  It's really cold.

Lil T:  "No thank you."

Me:  "Well, I think you should put them on because your hands will be freezing."

Lil T:  "Why do you ask me if I tell you no and you tell me to do what you want anyway.  I already said no" with a sigh and a HUGE eye roll.

Me:  "Just put them on please." 

Some more sighing and more eye rolling.


Me:  "Do you want to eat one more nugget?"

Lil T:  "No, I ate 2 already."

Me:  "You'll be hungry later.  Eat one more and you're done."

Lil T:  "Mommie, you did it again.  How come you ask me but don't listen..."  blah, blah, blah.

Okay, first off...he's right.  Why the heck did I do that? 

He is definitely right.  I guess I just don't like Mr. Smartmouth pointing it out to me.  So back to his question, why DO I do that?  Ummm.  I HAVE NO CLUE!  Blame it on some internal motherhood schizophrenia.  You know, on one hand you want to be fair and give them the opportunity to think on their own and make their own decisions so you ask them.  But on the other hand, you still want to be in charge and you're hoping they would answer the way you want them to answer.  And when they don't, you tell them what you want to hear.  Yea I know, PSYCHO!  But it's true.  As much as I want him to make his own decision and to think for himself in certain situations, there's that part of me that doesn't want to fully relinquish control (the controlling, anal, OCD me).  And he's caught on to it.  Dammit.

So I answer as only a mother can answer in these situations.

"Because I'm your mother.  And I said so."

Just kidding, I didn't.  I sure as heck did want to, but I didn't.  Instead, I apologized.  Yes, I did the motherly thing.  I admitted that I was wrong and he was right.  And I would try my best not to do that again. 

At least, until the next time...I do it again. 


He always tells me he'll pick up his toys when he's done playing.  And when does THAT really happen???

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